What is an E-Bike?
Electric Bikes For Every Ride
An e-bike put simply is a bicycle that amplifies your natural motions. When people first hear of an e-bike they assume that it is just an electric motorcycle where you simply ride and don’t pedal. The motor on an e-bike assists your pedaling allowing you to go faster and farther than a normal bike. Whether you are short on time, just want to go farther, or are commuting to work riding with the assistance an e-bike provides will get you there and let you have fun along the way. E-bikes aren’t specific to a certain style of riding either. No matter what you want to achieve an e bike can get you there whether you’re out for leisure or want to push your limits.
The addition of the electric motor and battery gives the ebike it’s abilities. We see e-bike on the market more than ever given how much they allow the rider to achieve. There are e-bikes made for almost every discipline of riding. The range on such bikes differs depending on the intended use and specifications of the bike. E-Bikes tend to be either mid-drive or hub drive. With a hub drive you’ll see your electric motor on the rear of the bike specifically the rear wheel hub. With mid-drive you see the motor at the bottom or crank area. A mid-drive is usually smoother given its position. The mid-drive motor gives power to the drivetrain directly whereas a hub drive gives power to the wheel. There is also a price difference between the two. Hub drive motors tend to be much cheaper because of their manufacturing process and how long the technology used in them has been around. Mid-drive motors are newer and pricier than hub drives.
Because of what e-bikes offer they are perfect for all levels of riders. The assist an e-bike is controlled via buttons on your handlebar allowing you to go faster or climb easier at the touch of a button. There are e-bikes made for most categories of riding therefore you can find one to fit your riding style and use of the bikes. You can still get the same amount of fitness out of an e-bike as you can a regular bicycle except you will go farther and have more fun along the way.
Maintenance on e-bikes is similar to that of a regular bicycle. Regular bike maintenance such as lubing your chain, airing up your tires, and making sure all bolts are tight are just a few basic examples that should still be performed on e-bikes. E-bike electronics are relatively low maintenance and can last for quite a while. The electronics are covered under warranty for most bike brands as well. The most important part of maintenance is keeping the bike clean as dirt and contaminants will have you replacing parts more often.
We appreciate you learning about e-bikes with us today and we will see you on the next one

E-Bikes for Commuters
Ditch the car and ride to work or school on an electric bike. Enjoy your commute as the pedal-assist technology amplifies your efforts. Save on gas and parking fees. Say goodbye to the daily search for the perfect spot.

E-Bikes for Casual Cruisers
Enhance your weekend ride. Electric bikes add to your pedaling efforts, allowing you to ride your favorite bike path with less effort. With an e-bike, you can keep up with your kids and friends without overexerting yourself.

E-Bikes for MTBers
Tackle your favorite trail with more gas left over at the end. Climb hills that were once insurmountable. Enjoy longer rides. Speed through flats. The possibilities are endless with electric mountain bikes. Available in hardtail and full suspension.

E-Bikes for Roadies
Lightweight, high performance road e-bikes are available if you want to keep up with the weekly shop ride or simply experience the joys of moving fast. Climb higher and go further with an electric road bike designed for speed.